Five Things: Library Resources to Support Teaching

Ask us for help

Do you need help finding a book, film, or other resources for your class?  Having problems accessing library databases or an article or eBook? Any questions about library services?  Email us at

Course Materials

Librarians are happy to talk with you about materials for your courses. We can help with off-campus links to articles and eBooks to make it easier for students to access the materials you assign. The library may have relevant eBooks, articles, and videos already in our collections, and we can suggest open access alternatives that may fit your course needs.

Customized Library Course Guides

We are more than happy to work with you to create a Library Guide tailored to your specific assignments. We can include video tutorials to walk students through how best to use library resources. Examples of Course Guides: BUSN/ECON 380 and HIST 242. Additional research guides include discipline specific research guides and the general Library Research Toolkit.

Embed a librarian in your Course Moodle or Teams site

Embed a librarian in your Course Moodle or Teams site – Having a librarian partnered with your course is another way for students to connect with a librarian. We can answer questions from students and share appropriate resources in your course site.

Research Instruction via Teams, Zoom, or Stream

Research Instruction via Teams, Zoom, or Stream – If you are holding synchronous class sessions, we can demonstrate resources and facilitate a discussion about research or information literacy. For asynchronous classes, we can recommend or create instructional videos to help your students understand how to access the library’s online resources. Individual students can sign up for Research Rescue through Teams or Zoom—thank you for continuing to send students our way!

Just ask!

Your librarians are available and willing to help make your classes this fall a success. Email or schedule an appointment to talk about your class needs.