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Library Services Announcements
Circulation and Borrowing
The Circulation Desk is located on the first floor of the library. For assistance, visit us in person, call 269.337.7153, or email circulation@kzoo.edu.
More about circulation and borrowing >>
Borrow from Other Libraries
With MeLCat and Interlibrary Loan (ILL), you can borrow items not owned by the Kalamazoo College Library.
MeLCat is a statewide network of Michigan libraries sharing resources with each other. MeLCat does not lend articles. Interlibrary Loan is an international borrowing and lending service for materials of all types.
Search MeLCat to borrow books and media from libraries in Michigan.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) supplements the Kalamazoo College Library’s resources by providing materials not available on campus for research needs. Through ILL services, current Kalamazoo College students, faculty, and staff may obtain materials such as books, chapters, and journal articles that are not available in the Kalamazoo College Library collection. To request materials through Interlibrary Loan, you must complete and submit a request form in Kalamazoo College Library’s Interlibrary Loan system
Use our Interlibrary Loan system if your item isn’t in MeLCat. You can also borrow articles through ILL.
Find materials for your classes through Course Reserves.
Some instructors also have course reserves listed on their Moodle course page.
If you have questions, please contact your professor, or the Circulation Department at circulation@kzoo.edu or 269.337.7153.
For guidelines for placing materials on course reserves, see Faculty Support.
Research Assistance
You can get research help from your Librarians!
Suggest a Library Purchase
We welcome suggestions for the purchase of library materials. Suggestions will be reviewed by a librarian according to our collection priorities and policies. See Collection Services for more information about the library collection.
Recommend a title for Purchase (online form).
Request books and journals (print or electronic) as well as streaming video titles.
Tech Help Desk
Having technical difficulties? Connect with the Tech Help Desk! The Tech Help Desk is located on the first floor of the library to the right of the grand staircase.
See Information Services for further questions or services.
Study Rooms
The following study rooms are available to students on a first come, first served basis during library hours: ULC 211, 212, 232, 233, 234, 235, 319. The Library also has two quiet booths on the second floor that can be reserved in advance.