Energize your research and teach more effectively with the help of your library.

We’re here to help!
New Course Procedures
Before submitting syllabi to the Educational Policies Committee, please check the library catalog and database list to ensure reliable access to library resources.
Library Instruction Sessions
Librarians teach a wide array of course-embedded library sessions, ranging from general information literacy to subject specific research tools and techniques in the disciplines.
Email reference@kzoo.edu to schedule a session for your students
Beyond Google for Faculty
For more information please see the Faculty Instructions for Beyond Google or visit the Beyond Google Faculty Guide.
Your students should complete the Library Assignment 24 hours before the Library Workshop for your Seminar.
Email reference@kzoo.edu to schedule your Library Workshop
Put Course Readings on Reserve
Physical items are located behind the Circulation Desk and have restricted check out periods. Faculty may place personal or Kalamazoo College Library copies of course readings on reserve for student use each term. Materials on course reserve must comply with copyright guidelines. An entire book owned by another library may not be placed on reserve, including materials obtained through Interlibrary Loan, MeLCat, or WMU’s Libraries.
To request a Course Reserve, please complete the electronic form below. Printed copies of this form are also available at the Circulation Desk in the library.
Please allow 48 hours for processing Course Reserves. Course Reserves are processed 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Friday. If you have questions, email circulation@kzoo.edu or call 269.337.5731.
Electronic items (such as articles in PDF) are available through Moodle. To learn how to use Moodle as a place to add your electronic readings yourself, contact Josh Moon, josh.moon@kzoo.edu.
Suggest a Purchase
We welcome suggestions for the purchase of library materials. Suggestions will be reviewed by a librarian according to our collection priorities and policies. See Collection Services for more information about the library collection.
Recommend a title for Purchase (online form).
Request books and journals (print or electronic) as well as streaming video titles.
Course Guides
A course guide presents a list of resources curated by a librarian, in cooperation with the instructor, to support student research for a particular course of discipline. Librarians create course guides upon request and visit your class to briefly explain the guide.
Email reference@kzoo.edu to request a course guide and visit
Get Help with Your Research
Librarians are available for individual consultations. Whether your research will be used in a grant-funded endeavor, in writing an article or book, or purely for your own interest, a dedicated reference librarian is standing by to assist you.
Schedule a one-on-one meeting with a librarian
The Library also has a membership in the Center for Research Libraries and can interlibrary loan materials for you.
Center for Research Libraries: vast searchable catalog of international academic and research libraries
Publish with ACS

To help our faculty publish in open access journals, the Kalamazoo College Library has entered into an agreement with the American Chemical Society (ACS) that covers the cost of article processing charges (APCs) for Kalamazoo College faculty publishing in eligible open access journals from ACS. Faculty can publish in ACS fully open access journals and hybrid journals. We have this agreement as a member of the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) consortium. You can read more about the MCLS agreement with ACS.
There is no cost to Kalamazoo College faculty to submit or publish, and the article will be published worldwide for researchers and students to read, cite, and share. Articles included in these agreements are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. The publishers have the right to publish the work in their journals, but authors retain all other rights.
If you have questions about the ACS agreement, please contact Leslie.Burke@kzoo.edu.
Departmental Liaisons
Faculty librarians serve as points of contact for the faculty and staff within the departments they serve. However, please feel free to contact anyone within the library regardless of departmental assignment. We’re here to help!
What liaisons can do for you…
- Can be a first point of contact if you are unsure who to contact.
- Will inform your department directly about new resources and/or policy changes.
- Edit and maintain your department’s Research Guide.

Fine Arts (Art, Music, Theatre) and Languages
Robin Rank

Humanities (English, History, Philosophy, Religion)
Kelly Frost

Natural Sciences, Math, and Physical Education

Social Sciences
Ethan Cutler