Floor Description
Entry Into the Building
Enter the main level of Upjohn Library Commons with a push button wheelchair accessible door at the east entrance. The Circulation desk is to the left when you enter the building.
To the right of the entrance is the Tech Services Desk. Behind the desk there are computers and printers. Computers and printers on this floor are for use by Kalamazoo College students, faculty, and staff only. The center of the floor at the end of the lobby contains the main staircase.
The first floor is generally not a quiet floor.
The following spaces are on the first floor:
- Book Club Café (blue dining chairs hold up to 300 pounds)
- Circulation desk with return drop box
- Copy center
- Media Services
- Production Studio Office
- Production Studio
- Center for New Media Design with printers, scanners, and computers
- Video Editing Lab
- Audio Studio
- Wheelchair accessible all gender restroom
- Wheelchair accessible women’s restroom
- Staff offices
- Computing Help Desk
- Library Training Room 118
- Tech Support Desk
- Learning commons group and individual study tables (green and orange wheeled chairs hold up to 300 pounds)
- Director of Science, Math, Business and Economics (SMBE) Learning Centers Office (room 113 C)
- Writing Center Director office (room 113 B)
- Learning Support Specialist and ESL Coordinator Office (room 113 A)
- Reference Librarian offices (rooms 111 and 112)
- Writing Center
Floor 1 Map

Floor 1 Photographs